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Wouldn't it be great to be able to follow RV News and stay tuned to what is happening in our Industry? A good example is the new requirements by the ADA for swimming pool "lifts" for handicapped people.
I've mentioned this law that is being implemented and very few RV'ers have any idea about it! In a nutshell, it is requiring all campgrounds to provide a permanently installed lift at the side of a pool so a handicapped person can get in and out of a swimming pool.
This device was allowed to be portable, but now the ADA has determined that it must be permanently installed. The lift device itself costs between $4,000 to $6,000 - plus installation.
What this means to the smaller family owned RV Parks and Campgrounds is they will probably close their swimming pools to everyone - rather than incur the additional expense of installing a lift device.
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Google News Feed on Camping
This month's Story: Growing Number of People Living in RV's
Last Month Story: 8 Ways to use Bungee Cords in an RV
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